Wednesday 6 April 2011

Exercise for meeting(s) during the first week of May

Design a slide presentation of 15 mins length, to present a research project. Consider the audience as they will judge to decide on giving you a research grant or fellowship on the basis of your presentation. After the 15 mins of the presentation, there will be 5-10 mins of questions from the audience. Good luck!

2nd term: presentations with slides and answering questions

We had a long break but will continue training to give talks with slides (using computer) and answering questions after or during the talk.

The following links may be useful background material when preparing a talk (with slides):
What to use to design the talk?
  • LaTeX (using the beamer package - Quick guide by Norm Matloff
  • Microsoft Powerpoint or similar (note you can use programs like LaTeXit - for Mac, I guess there are similar for windows and Linux - to generate pictures of formulas with LaTeX code)